Emergency, COVID 19 and Relief

WADA has been working emergency response and relief operation activities during natural and man made disaster. Our experience on emergency response activities as;
- Emergency support for COVID 19 among vulnerable youth, funded by UK Aid, MJF
- Emergency Aid Support among vulnerable girls response to COVID 19, funded by Mundo Cooperante
- Youth Action on Prevention and Protection to Response COVID 19, funded by Global Youth Mobilization, WHO, UN Foundation, World Organization of Scout Movement, YMCA, World YWCA, IFRC, World Association of Girls Guide and Girls Scout, The Due of Edinburghs International Award
- Health and hygiene kits distribution among vulnerable coastal people, funded by Global Youth Mobilization, WHO, UN Foundation, World Organization of Scout Movement, YMCA, World YWCA, IFRC, World Association of Girls Guide and Girls Scout, The Due of Edinburghs International Award
- Emergency relief response to COVID 19, funded by ZAS, MHE and WADA
- Winter Cloth Distribution among Rohingya Refugees, funded by local fundraising
- Health and hygiene kits distribution response to COVID 19, funded by The Pollination Project
- Emergency food support response to cyclone Amphan, funded by MHE, WADAi
Relief operation during Ramadan and Qurbani

We have been implementing ramadan and qurbani programme for those vulnerable people who are live hand to mouth. The activities as;
- Food item distribution for Ramadan Programme
- Quarbani Programme
For those vulnerable people we are placing our appeal to donors for their kind cooperation and support.