Food Security & Nutrition

Women and children of the area are ignorant about their status of health, food and nutrition. They do not know how to improve their malnutrition status. Every year many children under 5 years of ages has been suffering in malnutrition and many children are under growth, disabled and many has been died.
Through this programme we have been working to improve nutritional status of women and children involving them home based agricultural food production and consumption. Under this programme we have been implemented several projects as’
- Savings Environment Increasing Food Security, funded by Youth Service America (YSA)
- Poultry Rearing for Income and Nutrition, funded by National Social Welfare Council, Ministry of Social Welfare, Bangladesh
- Homestead vegetable gardening, The Right to be a Girls (3rd Phase), funded by Mundo Cooperante
- Youth Campaign for Increasing Food Security and Nutrition,
We have planed to improving food security and nutrition status of pregnant, lactating women and children. But the efforts are too inadequate against the actual needs. We looking donor’s cooperation for extending support to address the issues which are important for the target group.