
The geographic area where the organization was establish is south coastal zone of Bangladesh is disadvantaged and prone to cyclone and natural disaster.  Women, girls and children those who are living in marginalized family are suffering from various kind of violence as gender based, child early and forced marriage, sexual exploitation and assault, trafficking due to their vulnerability and social injustice.  They are not able to establish their rights and don’t know how to establish their rights. So, women and girls protection, empowerment and rights issues are at high risk.

Welfare Association for Development Alternative (WADA)  established in 10 September 2011 as a non-profit, non-political, charity organization and registered under the NGO Affairs Bureau (Registration no. 3128) under the government of Bangladesh with a view to work for those women, girls, children and youths through different development approaches as protection, empower and establishing  their rights, prevention of all kind of violence as gender based, child early and forced marriage, sexual exploitation and assault, trafficking, reducing social injustice, ensuring referral services, building community peace, developing their income and employment creation opportunity.  The targeted women and girls of our working areas has been facing various problems. WADA wants to stand with them to improve their life.  WADA has been working to address the issues. To continue serve those peoples we need assistance and cooperation from donor. Please Donate Us

Our Mission

Mission statement of WADA is to empower women, girls, children and youths through socio-economic development, protect from all kinds of violence and establishing their rights in situations of vulnerability, poverty, illiteracy, disability, inhumanity and social injustice.

Our Vision

Vision of WADA is a world free from all kinds of violence, exploitation and discrimination where everyone has the opportunity to enjoy their rights.


Come join us

We are together to end child marriage and establish our rights. This is our commitment

What We Do

Our approach to change

Capacity and Skill Development

We have been developing capacity and skill of our targeted people especially women, girls and youth through providing training, coaching, workshop and meeting from grassroots level.

Advocacy and Campaign

We has been organizing advocacy for policy implementation, law enforcement, upgrading legislation, access to safe, essential multi-sectoral services, campaign for large scale public awareness to protect, prevent and promote.

Community Mobilization

Mobilize and engage community members to address the specific issues. Organize community meeting, public dialogue sessions, harmony festival, debate, street cultural event, rally, human chain etc involving community key peoples


We have organized close collaboration and network with other local and international organizations, CSOs for right movement to end violence against women and girls and establish their rights.

Humanitarian Response

During any emergency situation as natural disaster, man made disaster, rohingya refugee, COVID 19 we have been providing humanitarian support of food, health and basic needs.


We Need Your Cooperation

Help us to raise money for our humanitarian causes

Latest News

COVID 19 এ ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ বালিকাদের মাঝে উপহার সামগ্রী বিতরণঃ

দাতা সংস্থা Mundo Cooperante এর অর্থিক সহায়তায় কোভিড-১৯ এ ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ বালিকাদের মাঝে উপহার সামগ্রী বিতরণ অনুষ্ঠানে উপস্থিত ছিলেন মহিলা বিষয়ক অধিদপ্তরের বাগেরহাট জেলার উপপরিচালক জনাব হাসনা হেনা এবং ওয়াদার চেয়ারম্যান এন্ড সিইও নিলুফা আকতার ইতি। অদ্য তারিখে করোনার প্রভাবে ক্ষতিগ্রস্থ ৯০ জন বালিকাকে আটা, ডাল, আলু, সাবান, স্যানিটারী ন্যাপকিন, স্যানিটাইজার ও মাস্ক প্রদান করা হয়। বিস্তারিত

Gift Item Distribution among vulnerable girls response to COVID 19

Through the findancial support of Mundo Cooperante WADA has distirbuted Foo, health and hygiene materials support among vulnerable girls groups under the programme The Right to be a Girl. The Deputy Director, Department of Social Services, Bagerhat  were  present  in the distribution Red more

We hope this new website would be helpful to know about WADA. I do welcome and thanks to all who are interested to know about us.
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